

UNH leaders left the post-commencement quiet of campus and spent a full day in New Hampshire’s largest city May 24, visiting Manchester to hear the ways in which university partnerships are making an impact in several critical areas and to explore opportunities to further strengthen those connections to address diverse and ongoing challenges.

联合国大学校长吉姆·迪恩和教务长韦恩·琼斯一同出席, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 经济接触与拓展玛丽安·麦考德, Vice Provost of Outreach and Engagement and UNH Extension Director Ken La Valley and Dean of 中曼彻斯特 Mike Decelle. 春季巡回演出在皇后城有四站, building on an inaugural excursion that hit six counties in the Granite State last fall.

“作为新罕布什尔州的公立旗舰大学, we embrace the fact that our role is to be helpful to the state in as many was as possible. 我们希望参与到我们的社区中, to learn what their challenges are and to find the ways we can help address them,迪恩说。. “Visits like this are imperative to helping us achieve that.”

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | jeremy.gasowski@philboardport.com | 603-862-4465