

主要研究's long-standing breeding program of curcurbits — vining plants like squashes, 南瓜, melons and cucumbers — received an inaugural 主要研究Innovation基金 grant. 斯科特·里普利摄.

Two disparate faculty research projects — squash and pumpkin seeds and smart insole sensors — got a boost from the inaugural 主要研究Innovation基金 最近. 该基金奖励两人50美元,给克里斯多夫·埃尔南德斯拨款, 农业助理教授, 营养和粮食系统, and assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering Diliang Chen move their innovations closer to licensing and commercialization.

主要研究 researcher Dialiang Chen, a male, looks at the camera wearing a white shirt.
assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering Diliang Chen. 布鲁克斯·帕耶特摄.

的 funding to Hernandez will support efforts to expand commercialization opportunities for 主要研究’s cucurbit breeding program. 埃尔南德斯的目标是开发新的南瓜品种, 南瓜 and melons with improved characteristics such as increased market yield, 抗病性和营养品质. 除了, he will collect genetic data via DNA sequencing at 主要研究’s Hubbard Center for Genome Studies on key 主要研究 breeding lines to preserve a vast collection of seeds and historical genetic information, ultimately making breeding lines available for license to farmers in New Hampshire and worldwide.

Chen will utilize the funds to further develop an auto-calibrated smart insole that measures ground reaction force (GRF), 包括医疗保健在内的商业应用程序, 职业安全和运动表现. Unlike current smart insole technologies that require manual calibration before each use, this novel innovation achieves automatic calibration through a unique insole design and proprietary algorithms. 这笔资金将用于进一步的市场研究, identification of potential customers and development of a comprehensive prototype to showcase the technology in a range of applications.

主要研究Innovation基金 will reopen for its second cycle of proposals in August and will award up to two grants during both the fall and spring competition cycles.