

  • 学习计算机代码的学生
    - 代码的安慰
    你想做一片雪花吗? 如果是这样的话, you’ll have to learn some code – but as nearly 40 elementary school children learned Friday afternoon (Dec. 在主要研究,这并不难... 阅读更多
  • 马克·德特克教授
    - 音乐之声
    It's 9:00 on a Thursday morning, and Moharimet elementary school in Madbury is full of music. There are saxophones in the music room, yes, but there are also clarinets outside the... 阅读更多
  • 新罕布什尔州高中生
    - 史诗
    Hundreds of young people are packed in the hallway outside Bratton Room in the Paul Creative 艺术 Center. 阅读更多